Being immature as a professional and lacking work experience can be an obstacle for successful job search. The situation gets more complicated at the period of economic crisis. However, do not panic!
To start with, if you are already busy with an internship, do not rush to switch to something else. Your temporary enrolment is a chance to prove yourself as a high-quality specialist. What is more, the period of crisis is the exact time when companies tend to thoroughly assess each employee’s contribution to business and adequacy of compensations. Hence, if you do well at the beginning, it gives you an opportunity to get a better stable job when hard times are over.
If you do not have a job yet, try to notify as many people as possible about it. As a rule, job seekers inform recruitment agencies, friends and relatives, post CVs on various job search websites. Nevertheless, it is worth to be focused: find social media groups (on LinkedIn, Facebook etc.) relevant to your profile and follow job platforms specializing in your area of interests such as Qreer.com.
When signing up with Qreer.com, do not forget to complete your profile carefully in order to give the very detailed information about who you are as a specialist. Remember that search process in the internet is based on keywords, so precise description of your competences is crucial. What is more, you look more professional for recruiters, when you can comprehensively explain what you are capable of.
Act consistently: spend some fixed period of time (for example, an hour) daily looking for the newest updates on these social media groups and fresh vacancies. This will certainly save your time and reduce stress.
Furthermore, be active when it comes to job fairs. This is your chance to break the wall of internet or phone communication and meet recruiters personally. Make yourself well prepared for such events: tidy up your CV, consider all the possible questions to ask, be ready to comment your background and achievements. Above all, do not forget to dress appropriately.
Next, be realistic in terms of salary figures. It is very possible that you will compete with dozens of graduates in your education area that already have some work experience. The best option is not to indicate your salary, but to take time specifying what exactly you are looking for and which skills you can offer to perform this job. When listing your competences, carefully explain where and how exactly you were able to apply them. All counts: your thesis project, other university assignments, voluntary work, additional courses, your sport accomplishments and hobbies associated with your work ambitions.
Last, but not the least: stay optimistic about your career! HR-specialists can feel your confidence or the lack of it. Believe in yourself and others will follow. Keep checking our blog for more search tips and news about job market in science, engineering and technology.
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Keywords: internship, entry-level, young specialist, graduate, junior, fresh, engineering, technology, science
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