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    The career guide for engineering specialists: preparing for a job interview. Part 2

    When preparing for a job interview, you should not only anticipate possible questions that might be asked, but also prepare yourself psychologically to that face-to-face conversation with recruiters.

    Being anxious is a common situation. However, try to look at your job interview from another point of view. It is far more comfortable and flexible in comparison with time restricted tests measuring your knowledge or detailed questionnaires aiming to establish your type of personality and its suitability for a particular job. An Interview gives you enough freedom to show your best qualities, professional and communication skills as well as to get to know more about a company you might work for in the future.

    Last time we pointed out some common questions which you might face at your job interview. Not only does the content of your answers, but the manner you speak influences recruiters’ opinion about you as a specialist. Ideally, you should speak with certain confidence and no rush. One of useful ways to check your skills of self-presentation is to record your speech. Listen to it and find out at which points you need to add some confidence, where to replace words or to slow down with talking.

    Interestingly, at least half of the whole impression about any person is being formed during the first minute of a meeting. What is more, it was also discovered that in most cases (with regard to job interviews) the final decision is being made during just 3-4 minutes of speaking. We are humans and we are (recruiters included) actually far from objective. Hence, the most essential thing you can do as a candidate is to use this 4-minute-window to perfectly deliver the idea that you are the one: the professional that is able to perform this job at the highest level. Here are some must-have tips you can consider:

    Dress appropriately with regard to the specific organisation where you got an appointment. In any case, be neat and modest in terms of colours and accessorises. Your well-preparedness and tidiness will be considered to be not only in your outfit, but in business in general.

    Use ”open” poses and gestures: sit with your arms and legs open, not crossed, establish continuous eye contact. It may sound weird, but on a subconscious level your preverbal behaviour affects your interlocutor and yourself as well. Express yourself as person who is open and confident. Maintain a straight comfortable posture (with your head slightly raised, shoulders straightened).

    Pay attention to particular verb expressions you use. It is more effective to use perfect tense rather than continuous. Compare: ”I was working on this project”, ”I have been consulting this client” and ”I have accomplished the following goals”, ”I have completed this project” ect. This shows you as a result-driven person, organising his/her work according to the specific organisational/team targets.

    Mind your language! Avoid using any ”words of doubt” such as ”maybe”, ”possibly”, ”not sure”, ”a bit” etc. Any shade of uncertainty with significantly reduces your best chances of getting a job. Be careful with using professional jargon – at the first meeting you might have a contact with a recruiter who is not well aware of some specific terms.


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    Keywords: interview, engineering, technology, science, career, job, hightech, Europe 


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