In this article we continue analyzing the most popular mistakes being done by recruiters during the process of candidates’ assessment. Today we draw our attention to the crucial part of any recruitment activities – an interview. We came up with our list of some interview-related mistakes that can restrain you from being an efficient recruiter.
Mistreating a candidate.
Nobody like being underestimated, not to mention being offended. Be polite and do not make her/him wait for you. Do not ask inappropriate questions regarding a family, religion, health, political views etc. Keep a proper distance. Treat your candidate as your client. Why? Simply because this person may be already your customer or will possibly become one in the future. Always remember about the power of WOM (word-of-mouth) and that negative attitude can consequently result in a significant drop of your future applicants (on the level of HR-department), consumers and business partners (on the level of the whole organisation).
Not asking permission.
This point is, of course, closely connected to the previous one. Always ask a candidate if he/she minds you doing something. By ”something” we assume: calling a present employer, making any video or audio records of your conversation, delaying an interview for a certain period of time etc.
Making surprises.
Are you going to conduct a group interview? Are there any issues that may block a disabled candidate to enter the building? How long is an interview going to last? 1, 2, 3 hours? How many people are going to speak with a candidate? Always give as much information as possible to your applicants to make sure everything goes in the right order and everybody feels comfortable.
Asking too many general questions instead of scrutinizing the area of expertise.
Do not go here and about when talking to an applicant. Make a check list of questions targeted on particular competences your are looking for. Every candidate will appreciate you being specific and saving the time of both of you.
Not selling the company to your candidates.
Not only you are evaluate a candidate, a candidate also evaluates your company. Thinking that candidates will grab any position offered because of the high unemployment figures is totally wrong. Be enthusiastic about your personal job in this organisation and the fun of working here: great culture, magnificent experience, attractive benefits – it’s all in your hands.
Not providing any feedback.
After your conversation is finished, always sum up with a general conclusion. If a person definitely does not fits in, better inform him/her politely about that. Otherwise, tell your applicant about any planned/possible further steps of the recruitment process.
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Keywords: recruitment, recruiter, engineering, technology, science, career, job, hightech, Europe, candidate, applicant
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