Within Qreer, Philip is a skilled account manager for the DACH-region, and together with the marketing and PR team responsible for the internal and external communication of Qreer.com and the job advertisements on the platform.
1. What trends and developments do you see in the recruitment and hiring market?
One trend I recognize is the increasing need for software engineers. With the rise of “industry 4.0”, there is a trend towards companies hiring highly-skilled engineers in general. All over Europe we see an increased need of not only in software engineers but also in other technical areas.
Thereafter, the openness from companies towards foreign candidates is increasing due to the difficulty of filling in the position with solely local candidates. This is part of the reason why recruiters and hiring managers are shifting their activities to a much broader applicant pool, and from local to national to European pools.
2. Nowadays you hear a lot about the term “Corporate branding / Corporate design”, how are these terms applied within Qreer.com?
To meet the needs of our customers, Qreer is changing constantly. For example, companies can now upload image videos onto their company page on the website to enhance their attractiveness towards candidates. Furthermore, Qreer offers the opportunity to send out dedicated e-mails in the corporate design of the company.
Equally interesting is the diversity of online and offline channels Qreer applies to promote the job, while using the name and logo of the companies. The Marketing department designs templates with the colors and logos of the customer increase our customer’s brand recognition and increase the awareness of the job ad. The term we use for all of these activities is “Recruitment Marketing”.
3. What are the main things (top 5) to take care of to promote and attract candidates to a job advertisement?
Marketing and recruitment should work together in such way that the skills and knowledge of a marketeer support the needs of a recruiter, and in order to target the best potential candidate. My advice is always to keep the job description short, crisp and informative, keep out the long paragraphs of text without leaving out key information to the job.
When recruiting international, inform possible candidates about your relocation package or support. Candidates seek information such as the % of international colleagues in his or her team/company, or what are the social benefits etc. Providing insight into the department or team (s)he will be working in will create interest, trust, and lowers the barrier to apply for the position.
” To want the best candidate out there is to look beyond the barriers of
your companies location. “
4. What should be the focus of recruitment policy of a company?
To find the perfect fit for a job position, a company should search in the largest possible candidate pool. Meaning to want the best candidate out there is to look beyond the barriers of your companies location. I strongly belief in the capability of academics to learn a required language within the first year of employment if needed.
5. What are the elements of an effective recruitment strategy?
I think this is really a way of thinking. If you’re limited by the constraints of your companies in terms of budget, time, channels, reach, etc, this can make things more complicated. However, on a daily basis I discuss how we can support by finding creative solutions together. The first elements should include if you’re targeting active or passive candidates, as it has a large impact on the quality of hiring.
Thereafter, there are three sub-categories within the where to find an active or passive candidate element, you either look internal versus external, inside or outside the industry, or look at your geographic focus. Finally, an essential part to an effective recruitment strategy is to select the best out of the rest by applying multiple data collected from, interviews, personality tests, skills tests, references, academic performance, drug screening, and job simulations.
6. What international marketing obstacles are currently active within the industry? And what can Qreer.com do to overcome these obstacles?
That’s a good question. As more and more companies are active on social channels and try to attract employees via social media it becomes more and more challenging to stick out of the “bulk”. Therefore, one of the main obstacles for marketing departments is the creation of leads and traffic, proving the outcome of the activities and managing the website.
In order to overcome those obstacles Qreer constantly creates new backlinks or generates content on social media platforms. The outcome of our Marketing activities are measured with tracking tools and with the support of data analysts.
7. What are the most common challenges heard by customers for recruiter?
There are multiple challenges which all come from a different angle. One of them is recruitment technology. Recruiters shifted from paper resume’s and walk-in interviews to having to search for talent online. The emerging technology challenges recruiters to stay ahead of the game when it comes to trends and developments. Due to this shift, as well the demand from the applicant perspective has shifted. The process to apply for a job should be a fast and easy process.
” It is worrying how many companies are still not able to track the success
of a channel it is working with. “
8. Compared to traditional boards, Qreer.com is applying a job board 2.0 model to promote job vacancies, why do you think that there are still companies using traditional sources to find candidates?
The most common reasons I receive when asking if and why companies are using (traditional) job sites is because they expect to receive a greater number of applicants, or because they have fixed contracts for multiple years in a row. Thereafter, it is worrying how many companies are still not able to track the success of a channel it is working with. For the same reason companies maintain these current channels as they lack to back-track where the hire is cumming from.
9. What are your expectations to the trends and developments of recruitment (marketing) in 2020-2025?
At this moment, companies are changing their recruitment strategies from focusing on traditional segments such as ” Application – Selection – Hire ” model, to include new segments as “Awareness”, “Consideration” and “Interest”. By evaluating recruitment suppliers on a shorter period, using creative job ads and good sourcing channels, companies are able to find talent for their jobs.
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