As a recruiter, making your open positions known amongst your target audience can be difficult. Due to the evolution of the internet much more sources have become available to both recruiter and candidate to find each other. However, there is a big difference between recruiting your candidates domestically or from abroad. In order to attract candidates from abroad you need to understand what could trigger these candidates to relocate and work abroad.
When you are planning to look for international candidates there are multiple strategies that you can apply. One strategy is to first select one or a few countries that have similarities to your country. Most of the time companies select one or two neighboring countries to not directly be confronted to large differences. A different approach can be, should you wish to attract a large number of candidates, to approach one entire continent. On a continental level, countries sometimes work closely together and share similar rules and regulations, there are most of the time websites available that market your vacancy across the continent, such as www.Qreer.com, within the EU. For example, within the EU a Single Market agreement is applied. A single market (sometimes called ‘internal market’) allows for people, goods, services and capital to move from one country to another within the union as freely as they do within a single country. Citizens can study, live, work and retire in any member state.
After having selected your strategy, to run a successful recruitment campaign to attract international candidates, there are key points that can help you in gaining a greater return on your investment.
Cultural differences:
One of the first points is to understand the difference between cultures. Not only understanding but also comparing cultures can eliminate stereotyping your target group. A helpful tool to find differences and/or similarities between domestic and foreign country is the Hofstede analysis which compares countries cultures – www.geert-hofstede.com/countries . Understand your own culture helps in describing why it is attractive for an international job seeker to relocate to your country.
Corporate branding:
Take into account that even though locally the majority might have heard from your organisation, you cannot take this for granted when publishing your organisations’ logo/name thus vacancy abroad. Provide your job seeker with a general summary of your organisations history and the products or services it offers in order for the candidate to gain interest in applying for the position. In addition, it is interesting for a candidate to mention what career path (s)he will be taking. Explain ‘a day in the life of’ or explain what training and development opportunities there are available. Lastly, you can write a short paragraph regarding the organisational culture, and share stories from those whom experienced the same steps.
Your international approach:
Once you have your job description ready, and the decision has been made form which countries it will attract candidates, the next step is to market your vacancy and get them under the attention of your target audience. Have a look at local websites, fair agenda’s, local agencies, to determine the best and most cost effective places to advertise your jobs. This all depends on your specific timeline, requirements and budget.
TIP: It can be helpful to ask for local support from a recruiter or temp agency, or at least a native. They are able to provide you valuable local knowledge when it comes to evaluating qualifications, university degrees, relocation procedures, or even local habits that can differ greatly from on country to another.
You found a 1:1 match, what now…
You have received a great number of applications and conducted the first screening, now you have found a great candidate that matched the profile. Before making any unnecessary costs, such as flying in the candidate to meet with you face-to-face, you may want to consider a skype call or interview via phone first, at least during the first round of interviewing.
Getting them on board
After a successful final interview with your candidate, it is now important the relocation and all the work that comes with it goes as smoothly as possible. Make sure that paperwork such as work permits, contracts, accommodation, visa, tickets, opening a bank account, or any other support that your organisation provides, are being arranged. Do not forget to ask if there are any family member that need to be taken into account when arranging the relocation. TIP: Mention in your vacancy if you provide any relocation services. It might just be the reason why a great candidate applies or does not apply for a specific job.
Finally, once the employee is hired and settled you can ask him or her to write a short note of his/her application and later work experience within the organisation. It can be helpful to attract a new group of international employees.
What do we notice at Qreer.com – We notice that within organisations there is an increasing collaboration between the recruitment and marketing department. Members of recruitment teams are starting to experience the benefits of publishing their job descriptions while using marketing tools and strategies. Within Qreer.com we implement a job board 2.0 strategy. Promoting vacancies and sourcing for international candidates via all kinds of local and international platforms is one of our daily tasks.
Should you be interested in hearing how we could guide you in your international recruitment activities, please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or send us an email with your request. We are available to provide you information that suits your company’s specific needs and requirements.
Contact details:
E: recruitment@Qreer.com
T: 0031 40 700 9709
W: www.Qreer.com
Author’s note:
Writing a great job description is hard enough, but there’s always the lingering question of how a business should advertise a position’s salary. Many international recruitment campaigns have been ruined by advertising a gross salary instead of the net salary and there are many more reasons why or how to mention salary on a job description. In the next blog we will go into detail on this subject.
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